a bit about why I made this book…

when I started journaling with my grade fours thirteen years ago, we easily fell into a journaling routine. it was never a question of ‘why’, but instead: when do we get to journal? how can I journal? what can I write about? my grade fours took up journaling with ease and eagerness. my student teachers, however - over the past three years - have been a bit more apprehensive.

what I’ve come to learn about adults and journaling is that there is skepticism - about the process, the value, and the point. I realized I was going to have to change my tune just slightly, to prove to the adults that journaling is worth it. 

one of the biggest changes I made to my journaling practice for the student teachers was to provide loose ‘instructions’ for journal entries and demonstrate with my own examples. while my grade fours and fives were eager to pick up my journals and read them, my student teachers were much more tentative. I understood that I would have to show them my own entries first to gain their trust, which is how this book has come to be.

in Worth Writing Down, you are invited into my journals that span ten years of my life. there are fifteen unique entries that come with their own how-to guide to create them yourself. there are some other journaling tips and tricks in there too, to get you started, or to further your practice along.

Every page was crafted by hand, and then digitally remastered to give the book a real journal feel.

when I made this book, I wanted it to feel like you were holding my journal in your hands, because there is something incredibly special about reading someone’s journal.

I am so excited to share this book with you, and I hope your journaling practice is ignited. it is a great way to get to know yourself better, and to invest in what makes you you.